7 Natural Ways to Correct Your Hormonal Imbalances for Better Health

By Andrew Alpin, 11 June 2017

6 Reduce stress and improve sleep

Every person requires not less than 7-8 hours of sleep at night. Sleep deprivation disturbs the body’s circadian rhythm which in turn results in hormonal imbalances. Cortisol, the main stress hormone switches on at midnight which means those sleeping late don’t get a break from stress. Lack of sleep and excessive use of corticosteroids combined with chronic stress leads to changes in the serum level of several hormones including growth hormones and prolactin. Sleep balances your stress hormones, increases energy, increases immunity and promotes recovery. Always maintain a routine sleep cycle and sleep early.

Image Source: www.myvitawellness.com

7 Vitamin D 3 supplements

Vitamin D decreases inflammation and acts like a hormone within the body. It isn’t unusual for people living in dark areas to suffer seasonal depression and health problems. The best source of Vitamin D is a good dose of sunshine because your skin produces vitamin D on its own. Alternately a Vitamin D3 supplement will help produce the same benefits in the body. Consult with your doctor for the dosage required by you.

Image Source: www.practicalmama.com

Besides the above points, here are some more items which you need to either avoid or consume in moderation to correct hormonal imbalances.

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