7 Natural Ways to Correct Your Hormonal Imbalances for Better Health

By Andrew Alpin, 11 June 2017

Correcting Hormonal imbalances in women is a mega issue because of its complexities and the reasons that cause them. Hormones and gut bacteria impact your health in more ways than one. Hormonal imbalances cause weight gain, bloating, and various health symptoms that can be irritating throughout life. Despite this, it is hormones that control ovulation, reproduction and pregnancy. Every woman knows the problems associated with hormones spiraling out of control. Those with symptoms like skin problems, PMS, fatigue, endometriosis, infertility, insomnia, weight gain and PCOS will understand how controlling or balancing hormones is the key to recovery. Here are 8 ways to control your hormones and prevent the chances of any imbalances.

1 Consuming healthy fats

To keep hormones in check, women should consume more short, medium and long-chain fatty acids, in other words, healthy fats. Your body uses various types of fats for hormone production and this also includes cholesterol and saturated fat. Essential fats prevent inflammation, increase metabolism and promote weight loss. One needs more of omega 3 fatty acids whose best sources are coconut oil, avocados, grass fed butter and wild salmon. While the first three have high anti-inflammatory benefits, Salmon is the richest source of omega 3 fatty acids that not only prevents inflammation but also contributes to cognitive health.

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2 Adaptogen Herb Supplements

Adaptogen herbs are a superior class of healing plants which promote hormonal balance. They also prevent a number of diseases including stress. Such ingredients boost immune function too. Some of nature's best adaptogen herbs are Ashwagandha, medicinal mushrooms and holy basil. Their properties, improve thyroid function, reduce cholesterol, combat anxiety and depression, stabilize blood sugar and insulin, reduce brain cell degeneration and support functions of the adrenal gland.

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3 Balancing consumption of Omega 3 – Omega 6 fats

The consumption of Omega 6 fats has increased among humans in comparison to healthy omega 3’s. This has lead to a chronic onslaught of disease, the major reasons being a disproportionate western diet. Omega 3 fatty acids make up a large number of brain cell membrane and are extremely important for cognitive function and preventing inflammation of the brain.

The best thing you can do is to avoid oils high in Omega 6 such as safflower, sunflower, corn, pent, soya and canola. Instead increase your intake of omega 3’s from fish, flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts and grass-fed animal [products. A good Omega 6 would be GLA (gamma lineolic acid) it can be taken as a supplement using evening primrose oil and is also found in hemp seeds. GLA contributes to healthy progesterone levels.

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4 Improve Gut Health and Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome

Keeping a healthy digestive tract is one of the major factors that contribute to correcting hormonal imbalances. Gut problems trigger autoimmune reactions such as arthritis and thyroid disorder. Leaky gut can also cause particles to leak into your bloodstream causing disease and inflammation.

The reason for leaky gut and gut problems is a reduced probiotics in the gut. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that improve the production and balance of key hormones like insulin, Ghrelin and leptin. Avoid processed foods, gluten, hydrogenated oils and added sugar. The top foods that support leaky gut are bone broth, fermented vegetables, kefir and fiber rich vegetables and sprouted seeds.

Image Source: www.activationproducts.com


5 Fix Your Leptin

Leptin is one of the master hormones that if out of balance can cause several problems in the body. Leptin resistance leads to hormonal imbalances. Fixing it will also boost fertility, promotes easier weight loss, improve sleep and prevent inflammation in the body.

Image Source: www.beyondfitmom.com

6 Reduce stress and improve sleep

Every person requires not less than 7-8 hours of sleep at night. Sleep deprivation disturbs the body’s circadian rhythm which in turn results in hormonal imbalances. Cortisol, the main stress hormone switches on at midnight which means those sleeping late don’t get a break from stress. Lack of sleep and excessive use of corticosteroids combined with chronic stress leads to changes in the serum level of several hormones including growth hormones and prolactin. Sleep balances your stress hormones, increases energy, increases immunity and promotes recovery. Always maintain a routine sleep cycle and sleep early.

Image Source: www.myvitawellness.com

7 Vitamin D 3 supplements

Vitamin D decreases inflammation and acts like a hormone within the body. It isn’t unusual for people living in dark areas to suffer seasonal depression and health problems. The best source of Vitamin D is a good dose of sunshine because your skin produces vitamin D on its own. Alternately a Vitamin D3 supplement will help produce the same benefits in the body. Consult with your doctor for the dosage required by you.

Image Source: www.practicalmama.com

Besides the above points, here are some more items which you need to either avoid or consume in moderation to correct hormonal imbalances.

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