Birds are always beautiful to look at and for all those bird watchers and photo enthusiasts out there, the Bird photographer of the year contest 2017 is a major treat. Almost every entry was almost a winning photograph where amateur and professional photographers alike entered spectacular pictures in various categories. Take a look at 15 of the best photos.
15A blur of birds
A fantastic shot of hundreds of birds taking flight at the same time making the sky seem as if it is a canvas of an impressionist painting of a blur of birds. Kudos to the photographer for exercising such patience.

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14First Flight
This photo portrays a tiny bird’s first attempt at trying to fly. It’s a really cute photo but in some ways truly inspiring and reminiscent of toddler’s first steps after all babies are babies, be they animals, humans or birds.

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13Playing with food
A classic shot of a kingfisher taken at the exact moment the bird tossing his catch in the air as if he is actually toying with his food before eating it. The contrast of colors is beautiful.

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12Grey heron peeking
It seems this grey heron must have got disturbed by the photographer while he was about to make a catch and seems to be peeking beneath his wing as if to rebuke the man for disturbing him.

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11A Willow Grouse
Among bird photographer of the year shots, this beautiful shot of a willow grouse blending into the environment is spectacular beyond words. It isn’t everyday you see such birds in their natural environment.

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