Our eyes are one of the most powerful senses we possess. But the fact is that we see with our brains, as the optical center of the brain processes information from the eyes. However, these 9 optical illusions will prove that it is easy to trick the eyes and brain.
1 How many colors in this pic?
This spiral looks full of colors and our eyes are constantly trying to focus on a color, while brain is decoding how many colors are there in the spiral. Can you guess the number of colors in the pic below?

Image Source: www.brightside.me
The answer is one – green. There is no blue color in the spiral
2 Find something odd in this?

Image Source: www.yaplakal.com
Find anything funny in this colorful contraption? You can see it has many colors and each color is vividly represented on the cube. However, there is a glitch in the matrix for you. If you look closely, you will see that the brown and the orange squares on the upper and front side of the cube are of the same color and shade.

Image Source: www.kafepauza.mk
3 What is same about squares A and B?
You can see two squares marked A and B and a cylinder kept on a chess board type figure. However, the two squares share something common in it. See carefully.

Image Source: www.imgur.com
Actually, we have the answer for you. Both the squares might look different shades of grey, but actually, both of them are the same color and shade.

Image Source: www.brightside.me
4 Do they look same to you?
Another play on the shades of grey (pun un-intended). Here you can clearly see that the two squares, which are seen together are of different shades and color. However, put your finger in the middle joint of the two squares and see the magic.

Image Source: www.ofpof.com