5 Break your diet once a week
Cheat meals are a popular way for both amateur and professional athletes to break their diets once a week. You can eat anything you want, even if these foods are against the rules. The thing is, you trick your mind: when you know you’ll be rewarded for your hard work, it’s much easier to say no to eating “bad food” to give in to impulsive cravings.

Img Src: sohanews.com
6 Keep drinking water
When you drink enough water, the process of burning fat speeds up. In a study in which people had to drink two big glasses of water, their metabolisms got 30% better and faster. Scientists say that a person can burn about 17,400 calories a year by drinking 50 fluid oz more per day (approximately 4 lb). This is definitely a much simpler way to lose weight in just 2 weeks.

Img Src: allure.com
7 The 2.5-minute rule
This rule’s description is in the Physiological Reports magazine. Increasing the pace of your workout for 5 to 30 seconds, like speeding up while riding a bike or running on a treadmill and then resting for 4 minutes, speeds up your metabolism. This can help you burn 200 more calories, making your workouts more effective.

Img Src: sohanews.com
8 Sleep enough
Sleeping for 8 hours from 10 or 11 pm to 6 or 7 am is good for your metabolism and helps you lose belly fat. Scientists looked at 60,000 women who took part in a study. Those who slept less than 5 hours were more likely to gain weight and become obese than those who got enough sleep. Sleeping is definitely one of the easier ways to lose weight in 2 weeks.
More research on twins was done in Finland. It showed that not getting enough sleep led to visceral fat gain because the stress hormone cortisol, which makes fat build-up, increases when you don’t get enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep often causes glucose tolerance problems. In other words, the body can’t turn sugar into energy, not fats.

Img Src: phunuonline.com