Pictures are worth a thousand words but sometimes there are some pictures that may just be worth a thousand and ONE!!. These thirteen pictures may seem the usual run of the mill pics, some profound, some happy or so it may seem. But look closer because they aren’t as ordinary as they seem. Take a good look at these pictures that freak you out.
1Smile on Guys While It Lasts
These guys are no doubt freaking out in a happy way, but right now are you freaking out too at what’s behind them?

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2This Is No Happy Birthday
Up front it seems this is going to be one cute birthday party except for the surprise little visitor which you may soon see. Take a good hard look because it isn’t right!! Get it?

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3Is The Mirror Freaking Out?
I bet you spent quite some time looking hard and wondering hard where to spot the little ghost or photobomb right?? Take another look at the Mirror. It’ll drive you crazy.

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4Do You Scare Easily?
What do you make of this picture, Is it as scary as it look. You be the judge of that

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5That’s A Ghostly Photobomb to Remember
Selfies don’t always turn out right do they? That’s one eerie activity in the background, is it a ghost?

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