Home / Supernatural / 10 Creepy and mysterious photos from the past that have no explanation

10 Creepy and mysterious photos from the past that have no explanation

By Andrew Alpin, 4 March 2017


4 A Time Traveler?

During the reopening of the South Forks Bridge in Canada, this Photo of the event seems a very common depiction of an inauguration ceremony. Look closer!! There’s a man there dressed in the modernized garb of someone from the nineties. He even has a camera in his hand. When the incident took place it was 1941.

Time Traveler

Image Source: www.ytimg.com

5 Phoenix Lights

On March 13th 1997, several bright lights in the sky lit up Phoenix, Arizona. This photo was taken of the incident where witnesses claimed seeing the lights appear stationary for some hours. The lights again reappeared over the same area in Phoenix in 2007 and 2008. Even as the Air force claimed the lights were training flares, people believed differently.

Phoenix Lights

Image Source: www.ufodigest.com

6 Mystery Astronaut

In 1964 local fireman and historian Jim Templeton took a photo of his daughter in Burgh Marsh Cumbria, England. Imagine to his horror when he found an astronaut type figure hovering behind his daughter. A Kodak developer who developed the photo stated it had not been altered in any way. The figure came to be known as the Solway Spaceman.

Mystery Astronaut

Image Source: www.photobucket.com

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