2 The bionic kidney will reduce several complications and expense of managing kidney disease
End stage renal disease or ESRD is a condition that is almost total kidney failure. More than 650,000 people per year are living with ESRD and can only avail of dialysis or wait for a donor for a kidney transplant, both of which are cumbersome and expensive. Moreover it also involves a lifetime of immunosuppressant’s and medication.
The Kidney project which has invented the first bionic kidney provides patients with an alternative bioartficial kidney the size of a coffee cup. It does to require batteries or pumps and flushes out toxins from the blood 24 hours a day. The benefits of the bionic kidney will be:
- Continued treatment
- Increased mobility
- Reduce risk of infection
- No immunosupressants
- Limited medication
- Single surgery for a permanent blood connection with device
- Medicare cost saving of $15 billion a year

Image Source: www.naturalhealingmagazine.com
3 Join Stephanie in helping the kidney project reach the funding goal
While the FDA is working closely with the UCSF kidney project to establish an effective plan and timeline for approval and scheduled production, funds are short which is why Stephanie Brummet is hiking along the Appalachian Trail to generate funds for timely development and success. The passionate young woman is dedicated to seeing the project through and has managed to acquire $3839 as of May 1st 2017.
When Stephanie started out on her hiking project it wasn’t easy. The trail proved difficult after her first major ascent from the Great Smokey National Park. At one point in her blog under the heading “life after the Smokies” Stephanie says “In the last two weeks, I’ve been experiencing some serious homesickness”. She has twisted both ankles, one even twice. She has fallen 6 feet off a rock face but survived with no broken bones and slipped in mud several times. “I’m almost certain this trail is trying to break me But it hasn’t yet.