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Woman Hears Voices Telling Her She Has a Brain Tumor Which Saves Her Life

By Andrew Alpin, 18 May 2022


8Were the voices a kind of guardian angel?


In 2017, a woman from Switzerland in her forties reported hearing voices from above, which ordered her to give herself as a divine offering. She repeatedly stabbed herself as a result of their orders. After analyzing this unusual and disturbing case, psychiatrists revealed that a tumor growing in her brain had influenced her thinking all her life. Patients may hear voices for short periods of time or in vivid detail, depending on the region of the brain affected by the tumor.

Were the voices a kind of guardian angel

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9The Swiss woman had been hearing these voices all her life


At the ages of 13, 23, 32, and 41, this woman reported hearing these divine voices and feeling a flood of religious emotion each time. After she had recovered from her injuries, she underwent an MRI scan, which discovered a tumor that may have been there since she was a toddler.

The Swiss woman had been hearing these voices all her life

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10Was A.B.’s situation a similar case in which her brain tumor made her hear voices?


Is A.B.’s situation similar? Is it possible that her brain tumor caused her to hear voices that alerted her about it? A case like this has never been seen before in medical history, although it is possible. After all, the voices were reported to have vanished once the operation was completed, and A.B. had no further problems.

Was A.B.’s situation a similar case in which her brain tumor made her hear voices

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11Did A.B. simply make up the story about the voices in her head to get free treatment?


A.B. attended a conference with Dr. Azuonye, where she learned about various possibilities. It was even suggested that A.B. may have concocted the fantastical tale while in Europe and then traveled to the U.K. to take advantage of the National Health Service’s free treatment. Although A.B. had lived in the country for more than 10 years prior to hearing the voices, that idea seems to be out of the question.

Dr. Azuonye personally supported the idea that the voices were a symptom of her tumor or that she was aware that something was wrong within herself. The possibility that A.B.’s life was spared by something supernatural or extraordinary cannot be ruled out as well. Still, there is no way of knowing for certain.

Did A.B. simply make up the story about the voices in her head to get free treatment

Img Src: erabaru.net

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