12 “You could be trapped with a nightmarish figure”
This is like being trapped in a ghoulish area of the astral plane. Redditor gwthrowaway451met with an accident and entered a coma. Just before the accident, he had watched a horror movie The Grudge. So this poor fellow ended up spending his entire subconscious time in coma stuck with the horrendous grudge girl in a completely white room ALONE! This is enough to give anyone a heart attack even when ok. Thankfully she never moved and just stood there! Maybe the utter horror hastened up his recovery.

Image Source: cinema.everyeye.it
13 “You could have vivid dreams about being imprisoned”
Well being in a coma is physically and metaphorically is quite similar to be in some sort of a prison or a cage where your movements are contained. One patient had a strange hallucination of something similar but it was also followed by a myriad of emotions and thoughts too. He imagined he was in this room with a strange medieval painting hung on it which triggered various sensations in him. Since he could not move away from the picture he was forced to look at it even in his dream. He pointed out that the painting was not pleasant at all but very depressing instead. To make matters worse he was also stuck in a very confining cage in the middle of the room but he was not alone. He constantly heard footsteps and voices behind him that scared him to death.

Image Source: pikabu.ru
14He thought he was about to be killed by a witch
At the same, the painting made him feel murderously angry and also extremely sad that everyone he loved was dead. He says at times he felt like a God who could see everything evil happening around him with mass genocides, killing, and brutality. He even felt a bout of vindictive pleasure that in the violence everyone whom he hated had died too.
The most unnerving part was that he felt the painting move a little. After that, he refused to look in that direction anymore. Then suddenly he heard a voice saying “it’s about time” and he started struggling. Suddenly huge people surrounded his cage whose faces he couldn’t see but he made out a hand as black as night and white nails reaching through the cage which touched his face. He opened his eyes to behold the sight of his little 7 years old niece, waving her tiny hand to wake him up to play with her. “She ingeniously though that if she herself tried to wake me up from my stupid sleep it might work.” This was the most miraculously effective decision from her end.

Wicked Witch of the West