4 “You could live a life in an alternate reality for several years”
Redditor nitzlarb described his father’s experience. Usually, patients lose the actual sense of time and space when in persistent coma and can lead an alternate life within their minds. His father in a coma for 2 months told him that he hallucinated that he was gone for 10 years. His dreams were so vivid where it seemed he had traveled the entire country a couple of times. Post-coma he was disoriented on seeing people expecting them to have aged 10 years.

Image Source: insiderlouisville.com
5 “You could see disturbing twists to reality”
Redditor Brainslosh: says that you can really see disturbing things while in a coma and most of them are an exaggeration of your physical conditions but they are scary. He was in a coma due to a car accident and actually dreamt he had a coughing fit in the middle of the road. He grabbed his throat and saw his own esophagus in his hand! Brain chilling! In reality, it was just a vent tube which was being removed from his throat.

Image Source: nocookie.net
6 “You take in what's being said around you”
As described by one Redditor "I was in a coma for five weeks due to Meningococcal. I had a lot of 'dreams,' most that I can still remember pretty clearly.”
She was 12 at the time and says that a person in coma can clearly hear everything spoken or read out to them. “You can definitely take in what is being said from the people around you” With no other sensory distractions she says you can absorb the words quite literally and it makes a huge imprint on your memory and psyche. She remembers her mother reading to her The Lord of the Rings and started having vivid dreams about everything related to the story. She saw herself eating ice cubes under a bridge with Bilbo Baggins. Though she was in a coma for a few weeks when she recovered she had no sense of lost time and felt she was gone for an eternity.

Image Source: thr.com
7 “It’s like blinking”
Redditor sharms2010 had a road accident and drifted off into coma for 3 days. After that the patient was awake. He said nothing in between happened! Leaving, just a few seconds of fleeting memories when she was being nose wiped by a super cute nurse and she remembered pointing that out to him before drifting off. “It’s not even like sleeping because when you wake up from sleeping, you know you were asleep. It is like blinking”

Image Source: funnyjunk.com