3Breast tenderness
Who needs silicone when you have your PMS? During the PMS, the breasts can get swollen and sore. This happens because during the PMS the body starts to retain water, which not only increases the size of them but also stretches the skin, which makes them very sensitive to the touch.
Once again we can blame a hormone for that, but this time it’s not only the estrogen, but the progesterone can also be blamed for this: high levels of these hormones induce the retention of fluids. Unfortunately, not only the breasts get bigger but the abdomen can also retain fluids, and this is an area where people usually don’t want bigger. It is also important to know that not only the hormones affect this retention of water, but the food habits can make it better or worse.
People who eat a lot of salt can experience even more swelling and studies also indicate that a substance that can be found in coffee can also increase the amount of fluid that is retained in the breasts (because it increases the blood circulation). So, it is better to stay away from that coffee and salty chips.

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4Menstrual cramps
Apart from the head pains already mentioned, women can experience other types of pain. An example of this is the menstrual cramps. The menstrual cramps occur in the abdominal region, close to where the uterus and the bladder are located.
The intensity of these cramps varies from woman to woman, but they can be very painful in some cases. In fact, it is advised that women who experience very painful menstrual cramps talk to their doctor about it, because it can be a sign of diseases such as endometriosis. The cause of menstrual cramps (in normal conditions)is the expelling of the egg that was not fecundated.
The menstruation happens when an egg was not fecundated by a sperm, so the body has to get rid of it somehow, and also get rid of the extra layer of tissue that grew in the uterus during the preparation for a possible pregnancy. When the body is trying to expel all this “extra material”, the uterus contracts and this leads to the abdominal pain known as the menstrual cramps.
These cramps are usually more intense in adolescents and younger women, because the uterus is still quite small and so it the exit of it. Because of that, the uterus has to do some extra effort to expel everything, and this causes a more intense pain.

Image Source: www.wonderwardrobes.com