The mythical city of Atlantis has interested many people including people of science for many years. Mentioned 2000 years ago in works of Plato, Atlantis was one of the greatest cities ever to be present, but it sunk in the sea in just one day and night and has not being found ever since. 15 years ago, explorers found a sunken city with huge monuments near coast of Cuba and people speculate if the lost city of Atlantis is found? Read and decide for yourself.
1 The amazing underwater city in Cuba
Pauline Zalitzki, a marine engineer, and her husband Paul Weinzweig, owners of a Canadian company called Advanced Digital Communications discovered a lost city underwater just near Cuba in 2001. The complete structures cover an area of 2sq km and are at the depths of between 600m to 750m. Pauline and Paul were working on an exploration mission with Cuban government and the team along with some local divers had to come back in order to take pictures using a video robot that sued sonar imaging to captures many pictures. The international media speculated whether it was the famed lost city of Atlantis or not. The pictures were sent to marine geologist Manuel Iturralde for inspection.
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