11Hair loss
Even in the medical world, this is perhaps the most unusual symptom of heart problems. Early or rapid hair loss, especially in men, is something to be worried about. It could be caused by a vascular disease. Increased sensitivity to testosterone or incipient diabetes can also cause baldness. All of these can culminate into a heart problem as it’s medically proven that premature hair loss increases the chances of diabetes by nearly 70%.

Image Source: helpskin.ru
12Premature gray
Hair is another way of showing we are in trouble when it starts turning grey…prematurely! The European society of cardiology have proven in their research that grey hair can be linked to coronary syndrome, ischemic disease and atherosclerosis. We must realize that heart problems and grey hair is caused by similar reasons such as oxidative stress, the aging of functional cells in the body, hormonal changes etc. as usual the risk group is mostly men.

Image Source: static-nur.akamaized.net
13Halo around the iris
Fat deposits may also be seen around the eye and appear like a grey ring around the iris of your eye. The condition called arcus senilis may be seen at the top and bottom of the iris which then forms a complete ring. However, this doesn’t interfere with vision. This usually affects people over 60 and has been associated with risk factors of coronary heart disease.

Image Source: cbsistatic.com
14 Feeling light headed on waking up
It is known as orthostatic hypotension which usually last for not more than two minutes. But if that lasts longer especially if you are below 55, it could indicate an underlying issue. Research at North Carolina University found that those suffering this ailment were at a 54% more risk of acquiring heart failure.

Image Source: hips.hearstapps.com