6When you have blue lips
In normal circumstances, our lips turn blue when we are in extremely cold environments and hypothermia sets in. but this is a temporary condition as they turn normal when we return to warmer environments immediately. Extreme cold conditions triggers low blood oxygen levels and retard blood circulation, but it happens with everyone in a similar situation. However, if your lips keep turning blue even in normal environmental conditions, it reflects poor blood circulation and one must not waste time in visiting a cardiologist for a thorough heart and vessels checkups.

Image Source: adme.ru
7Physical changes in your nails
If recently you have started noticing changes in your otherwise normal nails into something unpleasant such as discoloring, increased thickness and roundness, it’s about time you start worrying about it. The reason behind such changes are usually linked with vascular issues and it means your fingertips are not getting a proper blood supply, leading to an unnatural increase in the nail plates. This symptom is not a recent discovery and has been known for thousands of years and is called Hippocratic fingers. Regardless of its history, you better get an appointment with your doctor fast.

Image Source: mtdata.ru
8Earlobe crease
The medical term for diagonal earlobe crease which is known as Frank’s sign. It indicates an increased threat of atherosclerosis. More than 40 studies confirm that this is associated with atherosclerosis which is a disease in which plaques develop within the arteries, thus restricting normal blood flow. What’s worse is that new research has revealed the link between these creases and cerebral vessels which can never be a good thing. So you should go for a thorough examination if you notice this red flag.

Image Source: mtdata.ru
9Ear hair
According to prominent Indian researchers, your ears can tell a lot about your inner health. We must not ignore this organ at all. There has been a study to establish a link between an increase of ear hair in the ear canal and coronary syndrome. If this symptom is in conjunction with the previously discussed Frank’s sign and a large amount of ear hair, then waste no time and make a run for the nearest cardiologist.

Image Source: akamaized.net
10Infectious tooth diseases
A study from Helsinki has revealed that a simple root canal infection can be linked to coronary symptoms. Medically it is known as the link between the apical periodontitis and coronary syndrome. People with tooth disease are 2.7 times more likely to have the threat of coronary circulation problems. An Australian study has further revealed that any tooth loss can be a harbinger to cardiac issues. So consult a dentist if you experience any of these symptoms.

Image Source: baomoi.com