They are known to be the largest living primates, 'knuckle-walking' on this planet. They are the closest relatives to us humans, after bonobos and chimpanzees. Though predominantly herbivorous they are robust and can outweigh the most professional human fighters. Till now the heaviest recorded silverback gorilla was found in Ambam, Cameroon. It weighed 266 kilograms and was 6 feet tall. Male gorillas weigh about 195 kilograms and females are about 70 to 115 kilograms. Though they do not show off their muscular strength which is 15 times more than a professional human wrestler. They can lift and toss over 2000 kilograms equivalent to 30 humans weighed together.
They do get into fights with each other that may result to death. Female gorillas have lesser friendly interactions and may often get aggressive towards each other. Constant scavenging for food and climbing trees do make gorillas much more muscular and robust which acts like a protective shield and increases their endurance level. There sharp canines are largely to look out for. One bite of a gorilla is far more dangerous than that of a shark.

Image Source: www.wikimedia.org
The popular saying "someone as strong as the ox", is the very characteristic that indicates towards this animals muscular strength. Ox is also known as a bullock in India and Australia. For thousands of years they have acted as our primitive tractors and cart riders. Oxen are farmers best employee, for plowing the agricultural fields, for pulling carts or hauling wagons, for threshing and grinding grains etc. They are like heavy built muscular orthopedics with no intelligence.
Nonetheless, there strength have always served our needs. A single ox can pull and carry loads as heavy as 900 kilograms, even over rugged terrains and roads. They can do so for a longer span compared to a horse. The American Ox weighs a 2000 pounds. That is a lot of power packed muscle.

Image Source: www.pinimg.com
6The Belgian Blue
It is breed of beef cattle found in Belgium. It is known to have a hyper-sculpted and ultra-muscular physique. It is a heritable condition called "double muscling", in which the number of muscle fibers increases instead of the normal muscle fibers that enlarge individually.
A Belgian blue new born has a weight much greater than that of a normal calf. On an average the Belgian blue yields 20 percent more muscle than a normal cattle. Therefore, this breed requires a diet containing higher protein to cope and compensate for its altered physiological growth. The presence of large number of smaller muscle fibers makes its meat tender.

Image Source: www.msecnd.net