The kangaroos are the largest species of marsupials belonging to the Macropodidae family. They are largely found in Australia. The largest male kangaroos can be 6 feet 7 inches tall and weigh over 90 kilograms. The tail of the kangaroo is the most muscular part of their physique and it is also considered to be its 'fifth leg' as the tail itself is very strong to support the entire weight of the kangaroo. They use their tail to propel themselves while walking, transforming their tail into a 'fifth leg'. A study done by Biology Letters has concluded that until now, no other land animal is known to use their tail in this style. Their hind legs are known to have large elastic tendons, which stores energy enabling to spring in action and hop more efficiently. This effect is more prominent in kangaroos because their muscles are connected to their skeletons via the elastic tendons.
Therefore, they can hop at the speed of 20 kilometers per hour. One single hop can cover 7 meters. Their shoulder muscles make them adept swimmers too. They can use their fore-paws to drown predators underwater. Kangaroos can be very aggressive. Both sexes may combat for drinking or grazing spot. "Boxing" is like a ritual among the males. Before combating they stand high in posture and tantalize by pawing at each other's heads, chests, and shoulders. A sight we may also see among humans. They can lock their forearms and kick each other's abdomen. Their muscular strength enables them to wrestle, push and also maintain balance while combating. Many times they get fatally injured.

Image Source: www.neverfearfailure.com
3The Grizzly Bear
They are known to be powerful omnivores and belong to a large sub-species of brown bear. They are found in North America and are more aggressive than the black bears. They generally weigh over 360 kilograms. Adult female grizzlies weigh about 180 kilograms. An inland male grizzly may weigh about 272 kilograms and an average coastal male grizzly weighs around 408 kilograms. They are known to be long living animals. Their great muscular strength enables them to even take down sturdy animals like a moose. With one forceful blow of their clawed paws an animal may die. They are strong enough to toss objects weighing 700lbs. The force of their bite is what one should be afraid of.
It has been measured to be more than 8 megapascals, enough force to crush down a heavy iron ball or a bowling ball. Usually, grizzlies avoid human contact. The females are highly aggressive and attacking when they have to defend their cubs or themselves. If needed they may tear your guts out. About 70 percent of humans get slaughtered by grizzly bears. They cannot climb trees like the black bears and so they stand their ground and confront their potential attackers.

Image Source: www.yuku.com