11A federation similar to UN
As per James Oliver, there will be fights between the humans and the other species but there will be a federation like UN which will take care of the matters and restore peace in the world. Other than this federation, the countries will be having their own governments and individual leaders.
Image Source: jammulinks.news
12Siri is the future
If you are aware of the Apple iPhones, you must be knowing about “Siri”, the virtual assistant. According to James Oliver, everyone will have his/her own artificial intelligence system which will be called Siri in the future and it will recognize its user by voice recognition. Sounds cool, doesn’t it?
Image Source: media.idownloadblog.com
13His prediction about Yellowstone volcano
James earlier predicted that the very second Yellowstone volcano gets erupted, a massive amount of ash will be released in the air and if someone drives or fly through such ash storm, the engines of transportation vehicle will be damaged. In simple words, he wanted to convey that there will be no air travel as the Yellowstone volcano erupts.
Image Source: amp.businessinsider.com
14All time travelers say almost the same thing
There have been many individuals who posed as time travelers and try their best to prove it but are we really convinced with what they said? Almost every time, traveler talks about flying cars, artificial intelligence gaining more importance, humans fighting with aliens and global warming but this is what we have already seen in movies and we know about it, don’t we?
Image Source: nws-vimg-prod.akamaized.net
15What is your opinion?
Well, if you visit YouTube, there are many individuals who are trying to make people believe that they are time-travelers but do you think that it is really possible? Have you ever faced any such situation in life or anyone in your loved ones is a time-traveler? Do share your story with us.
Image Source: ielts-up.com