6You can get constipated
Also, slow metabolism leads to constipation which is a bad sign. Constipation is one of the most common causes of hypothyroidism. Constipation can be defined as having less than three bowel movements a week.
Image Source: stressrx.com
7Further symptoms of Hypothyroidism
Individual symptoms mentioned below may be the cause of some other underlying problem, but when you experience low temperatures along with two or more of these symptoms, you should have your thyroid checked.
• Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods
• Muscle aches, and tenderness
• Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints
• Impaired memory
• Slowed heart rate
• Depression
• Elevated blood cholesterol level
• Thinning hair
Image Source: .providr.com
8What is Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid?)
Similarly, a layman needs to know what is Hyperthyroidism - now this condition is absolutely the opposite of the previous condition. This condition means an excess of thyroid hormone in the blood and needless to say this condition speeds up the metabolism.
Image Source: www.pureherbalayurved.com.au
9Anxiety and irritability in Hyperthyroidism
Patients with this malady experience high anxiety, irritability because their system is always in hyperactive mode; this may cause insomnia and sometimes muscle weakness.
Image Source: healthable.org
10High blood sugar
High blood sugar isn’t always a result of diabetes, it could be due to an overactive thyroid but because of the repeated condition of high blood sugar, there is a risk of diabetes or vice versa.
Image Source: www.thediabetescouncil.com