Home / NEWS / She thought it was a coat hook on her door but a closer look horrified her

She thought it was a coat hook on her door but a closer look horrified her

By Andrew Alpin, 6 March 2017


3 Another similar incident

In another incident a woman who worked on an oil rig also found a similar device in her dormitory. It was a hook on her door. The woman then found out how she had been spied upon again by co workers for several days.

These aren’t coat hangers. They are spy cams shaped like a coat hanger. On first glance they look just like ordinary coat hangers except for the tiny lens planted strategically in the device.

spy camera

Image Source: www.wholepeople.com

4 It pays to be cautious. If you see one of these, remove them immediately

A woman always needs to exercise caution. There could be similar devices in the shape of various utility objects which you may least expect. It could always crop up in public utility services where you may require changing or removing clothes such as trial rooms, restaurants and company restrooms. Like the woman you read about who found a hook on her door, you need to be careful.

Privacy isn’t what it meant and in the day of modern technology it always seems as if someone is indeed watching you.

spy hook camera

Image Source: www.drunktroller.in

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