You have certainly read several home remedies on the net. From various ailments to improving health, nature’s bounty provides us with a host of ingredients that not even conventional drugs can achieve. But here is a special and unique ingredient which addresses a common but persistent problem and that detoxification of your mouth.
Bacteria in the mouth causes a number of problems such as plaque, tartar, bleeding gums, decayed teeth and bad breath. Here is a natural ingredient to kill mouth bacteria.
1A natural remedy for mouth problems
Not only will this natural remedy remove bacteria, plaque, tartar and germs, it is also a great teeth whitening agent. In fact this natural ingredient is also used in a number of additional conditions as well such as skin problems, arthritis, hormone imbalances, asthma, infections, inflammation and liver problems.

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2Here is the super ingredient
Now do you want to know what this remedy is? Surprisingly it’s present in the Kitchen in front of you. Vegetable oil. Yes a good quality vegetable oil is perfect for eradicating germs in the mouth. In fact if you can get hold of oils such as sesame, coconut or olive oil that’s even better. Vegetable oil is excellent for a number of mouth conditions and reduces teeth sensitivity.

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