8Making money your main goal
Of course, money is the ultimate reason for which we work so that we can support ourselves and our needs. But that should not be the sole reason for you working donkey’s years in a job. Money should be the means through which you achieve your professional and personal aims of life. You must earn money to achieve your passion which could be painting, traveling, writing and not earn money just for the sake of it. If a company were given the choice between a candidate who wants to only make money and one who wants to help the company achieve its goals, they would choose the latter. It is important to be passionate and interested in whatever work you are involved in. The money spent on your hobbies or passions of life would make you happy and productive.

Image Source: www.culturehook.com
9Living an ordinary life scenario
One must never get stuck in a rut or drab routine of job and home. If you are earning money it's not to live like a wilting cabbage in the fridge but to do all the things which you always dreamt of doing, like traveling, adventure sports, writing poetries or songs, creating your own personal library or even have a family! If you earn enough money to go and have a coffee and croissants in Venice, then go for it. Everyday pushes a bit more and break the limits that you have set for yourself. Rules are meant to broken and when you have the resources then nothing must stop you from doing what you want. And these desires would motivate you to earn more.

Image Source: www.culturehook.com
10Hiding from relationship problems by making work as an excuse
It’s more common in men than women, they hate confrontation or even open communication when things go sour in the relationship and they make work as their excuse for not spending time with their partners. No amount of work can stop you from bonding from your partner if you wish too. It’s a cowardly way out to slink away from confronting relationship issues under the garb of work. Mind, you, the same excuses may also be voiced by women too. Research has confirmed that happy people earn more than their sad counterparts. It is beneficial for both men and women to resolve their relationship issues and personal problems rather than hiding them or carrying that emotional burden to work. Working with a clear tension free mind is important for making money.

Image Source: baomoi.com
11Not paying attention to your appearance
It is a common human tendency to perceive tall and thin people as more efficient workers than their overweight colleagues. Research from Harvard and Exeter universities concluded that tall slim people made more money than overweight ones. Physical fitness leads to better social skills, higher self-esteem, confidence and high emotional intelligence. Such characteristics make people preferred candidates for plum positions in firms and that obviously makes them rich and prosperous. So it’s about time you lose the flab, hit the gym and pay more attention to your health and appearance and grooming.

Image Source: bestofadvice.com
12Doing only things you’re expected to do
In order to be rich and prosperous be ready to go that extra mile to please your customers or your company and not just limit yourself to your job description. This would reflect your interest in the job and very soon you would be rewarded with more responsibilities and remunerations by your company as they see your true dedication. Follow the dictum of Richard Branson as he believes that one must not just meet the expectation of the customers but exceed them, that my friend is the true key to success.

Image Source: www.campusrock.sg
So how can you earn more?
According to financial expert and author of the book You Can Retire Early, Deacon Hayes says you must turn your passion or hobby into your work. Always be in the pursuit of learning something new as it could be anything like online courses or learning a new language. You can create your own YouTube channel or take up freelance work like photography or even create a blog of your own and present your true self to the world. Of course, there would be hurdles in your paths like vindictive colleagues or unappreciative bosses but life is never smooth sailing always. Just take the challenges head-on and pursue your passion.

Image Source: headspace.org.au