4Not realizing that time is money and not using alternatives
According to information and technology researcher Peter Cochrane, there are 2 distinct types of people in the world: those who will spend time to save money and the second category belong to people who would spend money to save time. Needless to say, people in the second category are more successful. It can be explained with an example. In order to pick up a package which is far off from your office, you can either spend 2 hours and1$ to fetch it or you can order a courier service from your offices for 5$ and get the package. At a glance, the first approach seems economical, but looking at it logistically, your working hour costs$10, so obviously, there is no logic wasting that hour which you would rather invest in by working and making money.

Image Source: roomidea.ru
5Staying late at work and neglecting family
This is also known as presenteeism which basically means a person spends more time at the office than what is required sometimes even when they are ill. Now, this can happen for a myriad of reasons, like poor time management, conceited approach to show off that you are the most dedicated staff in the office, or simply that you are too dedicated and think that you are indispensable and the edifice might fall apart if you miss a day’s work. But, this habit won’t help you make more money. Sheryl Sandberg Facebook’s only female COO said that it was routine for work at Facebook to work all night and everyone did that. But, she says that if she followed what everyone did, she would end up being a bad mother and would eventually have to quit. She decided to come in on time, work till 5.30 and then leave to get back online. She still does that today.

Image Source: quantrimang.com
6Looking ahead instead of looking around and broadening your visions
Ask any employee in the corporate world about their ultimate ambition and 9 out of 10 would answer that they want be the next CEO of their company. Now there is nothing wrong with being ambitious and climbing the corporate ladder but it restricts your mind and thinking and stops your personal growth. Instead of looking at the top of the ladder, look all around you which will help you with overall growth.

Image Source: microfilenetwork.com
Explore your surroundings and options instead of looking only at the summit
The founder and CEO of Audiencebloom Jayson DeMeers says that such habits limit your own personal thinking and prevents you from earning money. After all, your position is not everything and there is more to you than just your designation. If you diversify your activities apart from your immediate jobs, you can earn more as well be popular amidst different core groups which might also add to your income. There is no such rule that an investment banker cannot be good jazz musician as well.

Image Source: chourishi.co
7Not asking yourself the most important question
Most of us are wired to get a good education, to catch hold of a job which gives a lot of money and social prestige but that might not be necessarily giving you the job satisfaction. This usually happens with people with lot of peer pressure or “herd mentality” where you want to be part of something which society approves of. But on the other hand if you have a choice to pursue your dream and make that as your career you would be tempted to leave a conventional office to make more money. The fact of the matter is if you are in love with your profession you would prosper for sure but if you are stuck in a job due to peer pressure and social prestige you end up stagnating and struggling that prevents your own growth. When you are disappointed in your job, you will never become rich.

Image Source: bestofadvice.com