11Regular exercises
Exercising on a daily routine is not just good for your health but also useful for getting a peaceful sleep. Studies reveal that a person who has a habit of working out about thirty minutes daily is supposed to have a quality sleep. Not only the quality but exercising can also help in increasing the quantity of your sleep.

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12Don’t starve yourself
Yes, we have told you not to consume food after nine. But it doesn’t mean that you have to starve yourself if you have missed having food on time. Going to bed in a hungry state can again get you tossing from one side to another Due to lack of sleep. Even a glass of milk will help you but do not drop your heads on the bed if you are in a hungry hog state.

Image Source: www.fitnesstipsforlife.com
13Comfy bed and linens
Walking into a room that is not arranged well can be a sign of distress. So make sure that you clean your bedrooms well and have a cosy and comfy mattress, bed linens and pillows to have an awesome feeling when you hit your head on your favourite pillow. LKooks matter the most and sighting a cute little pillow and a well-arranged bed waiting for you can really make you sleepy as soon as you get on it.

14The pet companions
Having someone to cuddle up with on bed can be another source of good sleep. Your pet dog or cat can be your best buddies but these pets can be active during nights, and their movements and sound can also make you lose your sleep. Studies reveal people who have a habit of sleeping with their pets suffer from sleeping disorders so reconsider sleeping with your pets.

Image Source: i2.wp.com
15The fresh feel
A hot shower before dropping down on your bed can also help you in improving the quality of your sleep. Having a bath before walking down to your bed and spraying some lavender or your favourite fragrance can get you a quality sleep with full relaxation.

Image Source: www.sonnenhof.tirol