Honey has always been known to have antiseptic properties. It helps in moisturizing the skin and also helps in smooth bowel movement.It also helps in protecting the arteries against high cholesterol build up.

Image Source: www.medgadget.com
Ginger is known to reduce the cholesterol level of the body and also the triglyceride levels in patients who suffer from diseases like diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, nephritic syndrome and hypothyroidism.

Image Source: www.herbalremediesadvice.org
8Raw Garlic
Raw garlic is known to lower the triglyceride level of the body along with the glucose levels and cholesterol levels in the body. It also helps in prevention of atherosclerosis.

Image Source: www.theurbanhearth.com
9Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is known to improve the blood sugar level of the body and insulin levels and also controls the high triglyceride levels of the body in patients who have type 2 diabetes.
Lowering the cholesterol levels of the body would help to reduce the risk of heart disease.This can also be maintained by cutting down on fried foods, fatty foods and incorporating good fat or HDL in your diet.You would experience the best of results in a week.

Image Source: www.authoritynutrition.com