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The Ancient Thunderbird Of Legend Were Real And Some Might Still Exist

By Andrew Alpin, 28 May 2022


These giant thunderbirds were accused of abducting children


The scariest thing about the giant birds was that they sometimes tried to fly off with small animals or even children. Some people say that a “huge eagle” took a five-year-old girl named Svanhild Hansen from her parent’s farm in Leka, Norway, in June 1932. The girl weighed 42 pounds and was only five years old. The big bird carried her for more than a mile, the report said, and then let her go on a high mountain ledge without hurting her.

These giant thunderbirds were accused of abducting children

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Pennsylvania has reported the most thunderbird sightings


Pennsylvania is where most stories about thunderbird sightings, both in the past and recently, have been reported. These stories go back to the 1800s. In the past, most of the reports have come from Cameron, Clinton, Lycoming, McKean, and Tioga counties, which are in the north-central part of the state.

In the last few years, there have been a lot of reports from the southwestern corner of the state. Stan Gordon, a paranormal investigator who lives in that part of the state, is interested in such cryptids and is eager to hear reports. There have been a few dozen reports from these two parts of the state in the last ten years.

Grant Lawrence wrote about seeing what he thought was a thunderbird. He saw it just across the western state line of Pennsylvania in Ohio. In his writings, he described the giant bird, “This bird was an extraordinarily large bird that looked as big as an airplane. Its wingspan looked 2 to 3 times bigger than that of a bald eagle. Now when you are looking in the sky, it is very difficult to say for certain how large an object is or how high up it is. But I can say with certainty that this bird was fantastically large.”

Pennsylvania has reported the most thunderbird sightings

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More evidence about extinct creatures still existing is being discovered every day.


Every day, new findings have brought forth more and more evidence that long-believed-extinct species are somehow alive and exist in some parts of the world. But this won’t be the end because new discoveries will continue to be made in the future as time goes on and new advancements in technology become available.

More evidence about extinct creatures still existing is being discovered every day

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