9Hazard for other visitors
The stupid activity of those teens not only damaged the site but they didn’t even think about putting the lives of other people in danger. When they attempted this activity there were also other visitors in the area and but luckily no one was at the location of incident. They risked the lives of other visitors as well. They broke the rock but they also created a dangerous situation for other people as well.

Image Source: eblnews.com
10It was just an act of fun for the group of teens
The authorities of the area, the national trust says that it was an act of fun for some people and probably they didn’t even think about what would happen later. It is obvious that they didn’t enter the area of Brimham Rocks with the motive to damage public property but it happened in the spur of the moment and their stupidity or act of fun have labeled them as vandals.

Image Source: sgdexpress.net
11The names found scratched on the rocks
The group of the teens that damaged Brimham Rocks, risked the life of other visitors and left the place in a hazardous condition. They also left their names scratched on the surface from where they pushed the rocks. The names are clear and are near the surface where vandalism took place. Many people had spotted them from afar when they were pushing the stone.

Image Source: boredpanda.com
12Police are searching for the suspects
While the teens left their traces behind, police are still searching for the suspects of this destruction. An investigation is on and the police is on the lookout for the teens with help of witnesses. It is requested that if anyone knows about the suspects who are responsible behind this vandalism can contact the police on 101 by choosing option 2 and quote reference 12180097959.

Image Source: boredpanda.com
13Rage on social media
After the destruction of this beautiful site in England, the police is doing their work but there is also a rage on social media against those youngsters. People are blaming them for how could they damage the public property and who give them rights to do such an activity. They are responsible for the destruction of a prestigious 32 million years old structure and they should be punished for this.

Image Source: boredpanda.com