Home / Health / 12 Stretches You Can Do Easily At Home to Burn Fat and Lose Weight

12 Stretches You Can Do Easily At Home to Burn Fat and Lose Weight

By Andrew Alpin, 6 June 2018


11Downward Facing Dog


The downward dog targets the arms, back, shoulders and hips. You have to position yourself on your hands and knees. Now exhale and move onto your feet while stretching your butt upwards forming a pyramid. Maintain the pose for 30 seconds.


Image Source: img.gtvcdn.com

12The Triangle


The triangle targets the chest, shoulders, hips and obliques. Stand on your mat with legs at least 4 feet apart. Keep your left foot 45 degrees and the other 90. Now start with both hands outstretched and parallel to the floor. Stretch downwards with your left while moving your right arms stretched up. Hold for 30 seconds.


Image Source: afamilycdn.com

The reasons for stretches


Stretches burn calories and help you prepare for more intense workouts by making your body supple and strong. They increase circulation which results in more oxygen to the organs and muscles of the body.


Image Source: www.stretchingsa.co.za

Reduces stress and builds muscle


Stretches improve digestion and reduce stress by relaxing your body. The result is a stronger and more flexible body. Because every stretch involves various muscles of your body, not only are you increasing oxygen to the muscles, you are building them too.


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