9The factors that affected FOMO
Further studies on FOMO found that Extraversion is on such factor that could logically explain the constant use of social media especially when it is outgoing people who are prone to using platforms like Facebook. Neuroticism also increased a person’s tendency to keep checking social media accounts every minute in a hope to receive some feedback and reassurance from others.
Image Source: www.madhyamam.com
10People on social media prefer communicating through screens
For many, communicating through a screen is easier than face to face communications. Another factor is attachment where social media allows them to avoid face to face communication and confrontation in order to keep people at a distance in spite of being present in daily life. The study predicted that those anxious about relationships and had a fear of exclusion suffered FOMO the most.
Image Source: life.idntimes.com
11Social media preys on human weaknesses
The researchers concluded that social media preys upon people’s perceived weakness and their preoccupations. Such individuals who had high measures of FOMO were actually being given a means to record how they were being ignored by friends and family online. Researchers suggest that if you do feel resentful of others having a better time than you on Facebook, it would be advisable to shut it off once in awhile or take a sabbatical from Facebook.
Image Source: portugalresident.com
12Spend less time on social media and more time with genuine friends
Instead, spend time with genuine close friends or family who will give you a better appreciation of yourself and make you feel worthwhile. Instead of focusing on those who regard you as existing only on social media, it would be wiser to go out with those who love and care for you.
Image Source: www.patrasevents.gr