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Watch the shocking video of police slamming a woman and throwing her to the ground

By Andrew Alpin, 9 September 2017


2Policeman earns demerits


The woman’s face was badly bruised and swollen from the incident. Both mother and child were sent to the hospital where they recovered from the incident. But!! What’s most incredible is the show of force all because of an issue of illegal parking. Hello!! It seems the Chinese police force is yet to wake up to the practice of refusal of parking tickets being settles in court. The only consolation was the fact that the cop in question named Zhu has earned a demerit which means he won’t enjoy an increase in pay for 18 months, Big deal!!

woman’s face badly bruised

Image Source: www.dailymail.co.uk/

3 The incident was a result of police crackdown on traffic offenders


The incident follows the strictest enforcement of parking and traffic rules as a crackdown instructed by the local municipality. There was mixed response in China where some were seen commenting “You don’t even care for your own child, and push the police while using the kid in your arms as your shield. Now you’re playing the victim,” Some also mentioned that the original video of Chinese police pushing a woman to the ground was edited where the part showing the woman arguing and acting hostile with the cop was left out. Now isn’t that hilarious!! Watch the video.

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