2 New Horizons flyby reveals Pluto has a blue sky and resembles Earth
Although NASA has downloaded a massive amount of data from the phenomenal New Horizons flyby in October last year that may again reveal something fantastic, it was earlier scientific studies that found several positive hints about alien life on Pluto due to the complex chemistry present on the planet that may support the early stages of life. One of the biggest examples found was hydrogen cyanide which is an integral molecule required for prebiotic chemistry. Such factors prove that there is some form of pre biological process taking place below Pluto’s surface.
The findings on Pluto are all factors required for life such as Organic and raw material as well as energy. It wasn’t very long ago before NASA scientists downgraded Pluto to a dwarf status that the planet was regarded as strangely resembling earth. Astronomers have also revealed that Pluto also had a blue sky which was also revealed by the New Horizons spacecraft as it flew past Pluto. Images collected by the space craft shows that Pluto has uncanny earth like features making it appear very much like earth.

Image Source: www.techtimes.com