5Neck pain
Your neck like the small of your back tends to get curved while sleeping and needs support. The best way is to sleep on your back is with a pillow under your head and under each arm. Those suffering neck problems should use proper pillows such as orthopedic or roll pillows. When sleeping on your side, your pillow should never be too high to elevate your neck.
The ideal height is 6 inches or it should be aligned with the width of your shoulder to keep your neck in the right position for sleeping. Stomach sleepers are advised to change the position as this is bad for your neck and can cause neck strain due to your head being turned to one side all night long. If you must sleep on your stomach, choose a very thin pillow to sleep on.

6Can’t fall asleep
Did you know that according to scientific studies, the light from phones and electronic devices can impact your sleep in a negative way as it prevents you from falling asleep? According to the national sleep foundation, Children especially are being affected by the blue light emitted from electronic devices as it interferes with melatonin production which is the hormone that helps us to sleep.
While you can’t really do away with these gadgets because of the ingrained habit, you actually should because they are the prime reason you can’t fall asleep because of the screen light affecting sleep-wake cycles. Moreover, stop drinking coffee before bedtime or after sunset. Other drinks that contain caffeine also should be avoided such as energy drinks, colas, soda, black tea and chocolate. Exercising in the morning and afternoon will improve blood circulation and help you sleep. Yoga before bed also helps you relax and condition your body for sleep.

Image Source: www.nicabm.com
7Can’t stay asleep
Restless sleep usually makes you wake up at night. There are various conditions that cause such insomnia and one of them is using your gadgets before sleeping. Moreover, alcohol if drunk before sleeping can also disrupt the water balance in your body which in turn impacts your sleep cycles. One way of using science to fix sleep problems is room temperature. Your room temperature could also be another factor that makes you get up in the middle of sleep. An ideal room temperature should be 20-22 degrees centigrade.

8Can’t wake up
When you can’t seem to wake up from sleep, it could mean that you are sleeping too late and having inadequate sleep or your sleep itself isn’t a restful one. This is a common problem faced by many. For every day of the week, your alarm should be set for the exact same time. When you need to wake up early, you just have to sleep early because sleeping late causes you to drift into the deep sleep cycle later making you too tired to wake up.

Image Source: www.usnews.com