According to statistics of sleep, every human spends almost one-third of a life cycle sleeping. But what happens when we get less sleep than our body needs? Your health just doesn’t depend on how much you sleep but the quality of sleep too. You could be in bed for 12 hours and still not be rested as you should. Sleep posture also makes a difference to skeletal health and is probably the main cause of all skeletal and muscular problems such as neck pain or back pain.
The biggest problem is the fact that we done really tend to give sleep the importance it deserves because, after a hard day’s work, you’re just desperate to lie down and rest, whichever way you do it hardly matters to you but that short-term relief, if done wrongly and allowed to progress into your major part of the sleep process, will certainly work against you. Here is a compilation of how you can use science to fix sleep problems faced in everyday life.
1Shoulder pain
Many people constantly suffer from shoulder pain and it seems to get worse after waking up from bed which might confuse you, after all you did sleep the night before or did you? Waking up with a sore shoulder could mean that you are habituated in sleeping on one side which isn’t recommended especially if you are doing it on the sore one. Even sleeping on the stomach isn’t advisable as it causes shoulder misalignment.
According to the sleep foundation, sleeping on your back is the most preferred and advisable posture to sleep. Place an orthopedic or thin pillow under your head and another on your stomach which should be hugged lightly. Your shoulders will now be stabilized and aligned perfectly while you sleep.

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2If you don’t like sleeping on your back, here’s what you should do
In case you are among those who don’t prefer sleeping on the back, then either switch sides or sleep on the side that doesn’t pain. Your legs should be drawn up slightly towards your chest and a pillow should be placed between your knees. Don’t sleep with your hand under your head as this isn’t correct either because it is bad for the shoulder.

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3Back pain
Most people suffer from back pain while sleeping because of a bad mattress which has gone too soft. Replace your mattress and get an orthopedic one. While sleeping, if the curvature of your spine shifts, then that causes back pain. Sleeping on the back as mentioned is the best way to sleep. You could place a pillow beneath your knees to maintain spinal curvature which when lying flat ted to curve upwards. A pillow below the knees also relaxes your tendons. For back support, a small rolled towel placed under the curvature of your back will reduce back pain.

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4When sleeping on stomach
In case you are a person who likes sleeping on the stomach, then always place a pillow beneath your lower abdomen and pelvis. This prevents the small of your back from moving forward. If you are a sideways sleeper, then always adopt the fetal position and draw up your legs to your chest so that your back forms a natural arch. This will relieve tension in your lower back.

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