Home / Health / Doctors Find That Restless Leg Syndrome Increases Heart Related Death In Women

Doctors Find That Restless Leg Syndrome Increases Heart Related Death In Women

By Andrew Alpin, 23 March 2018


Cancer and heart disease are the two major killers in the US and the world with the most common causes of heart disease resulting from blocked arteries caused by poor diet and lifestyle. Blocking of coronary arteries or the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart can result in atherosclerosis.

1Study links restless leg syndrome to coronary disease mortality


This is a hardening of the arteries with less blood being transported to the heart. It can result in heart attack or stroke. It's this condition which is a common cause of death in the USA where coronary heart disease kills about 366,000 people a year. A new study has now linked restless leg syndrome which is a sensorimotor disorder to heart-related deaths in women. 

restless leg syndrome

Image Source: www.medicalnewstoday.com

2A disorder of the nervous system


Restless leg syndrome is a disorder of the nervous system that creates a constant and sudden urge to move the legs. It is also considered a sleep disorder by doctors because of its interference with sleep.

The study which was published in the Journal Neurology linked restless leg syndrome with heart problems in women. It indicated that the disorder affects up to 29% of adult living in North America and Western Europe where the prevailing rate in the US was found to be up to 15% of the population. The biggest problem of restless leg syndrome which affects both men and women is that there is no cure for the disorder. 

disorder of the nervous system

Image Source: nervivporyadke.ru

3Most affecting women and elderly


Most patients with restless leg syndrome tend to be women and elderly. The research led by Doctor Xiang Gao, associate professor of nutritional sciences at Pennsylvania State University found that the mortality rate of heart disease in women was linked to restless leg syndrome

patients with restless leg syndrome

Image Source: www.saludybelleza.co

4Study took ten years


When Gao and his team began studying data of 57,417 women provided by a Nurses health study, none of the women suffered any disease like renal failure, heart disease or cancer. The average age group of the women was 67 and the health of each one was monitored for 10 years. 

Women with Renal Disease

Image Source: www.healthcare.siemens.com

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