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15 remarkable Gadgets That Will Bring You Directly Into 3018

By Andrew Alpin, 7 April 2018


13Foldable bike


Semicircle, a company based in Shenzhen China just launched an incredible bike called the ebike. It is lightweight and can be folded and fitted into a backpack. It weighs just 15 pounds.

Foldable bike

Image Source: cbsistatic.com

14House that transforms


This two hundred square feet house built by MIT is a micro apartment called CityHome. It transforms itself into a 15x15 space that includes an exercise area, sleeping, kitchen, study and lounge. It is controlled by devices mounted on walls. It also shows live projection of videos.

House that transforms

Image Source: wordpress.com

15Mimo baby shirt


This is a perfect device for hi tech parents. The Mimo baby shirt will measure several things like temperature, your baby’s respiration, body position, activity and sleep patterns. It also includes a microphone to record your baby’s movements and first speech. These were originally meant as medical devices for developing countries but since being able to market it directly to consumers, there has been more demand and less clothes.

Mimo baby shirt

Image Source: www.amazon.com

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