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15 remarkable Gadgets That Will Bring You Directly Into 3018

By Andrew Alpin, 7 April 2018


5Robot bees


Robot bees would be a boon for our environment and horticulture as soon as it comes to wider practical use. It would act as “pollinator drones” and help in environmental protection. The Wal-Mart Company has already applied for a patent to create these lovely bees, as the engineers have stated that they can perform all bee like functions except making honey. Rest assured once these robot bees are around, we will save loads of plants and flower species as well as develop agriculture in various parts of the world.

Robot bees

Image Source: adme.ru

6Smart hive


Now this idea is not exactly a new one as few years ago, an Australian businessman created and patented a unique beehive which could be mounted as a birdhouse. It made the containment and the extraction of honey very easy and safe. Now entrepreneurs are so impressed with his innovation that they are willing to use crowd-funding again in order to launch the mass production of similar beehives.

Smart hive

Image Source: adme.ru

7A night light for a toilet


It’s an elementary invention which involves a simple lamp installed under the toilet rim which evenly lights out all the space around it and it’s called- Illumibowl. So no need to turn on the light of the bathroom every time you need to use the toilet! Now why did I not think of that!?

A night light for a toilet

Image Source: brightside.me

8A pocket spectrometer scanner


This one is meant for all the ultra health conscious people across the globe who are fussy about the food they eat and want to know all about its freshness and such before buying it. This pocket scanner called- LinkSquare is your tool for life! This device is capable of checking food, liquids and other materials for its freshness and nutritional value. Carry it while shopping or travelling to ensure a healthy day always.

A pocket spectrometer scanner

Image Source: adme.ru

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