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How to Recognize the Difference Between a Panic Attack and Heart Attack

By Andrew Alpin, 22 May 2017


2 Main Symptoms to Recognize a Panic Attack

  • Panic attacks can occur even in ordinary circumstances and there is a misconception that it can only happen during selective incidents of fear, anxiety and danger.
  • Panic attack symptoms usually peak after 10 minutes.
  • The main difference between panic attack and heart attack is that pain experienced during a panic attack will be localized in the chest region. It will come and go but it won’t be of the same constricting and crushing nature of a heart attack.
  • Tingling, numbness and prickly feeling is not restricted to the left arm but will be felt in the right arms, fingers, legs and toes.
  • While in a panic attack, people have mentioned experiencing irrational fear similar to a sinking feeling, suffocation or even going insane.
  • Hyperventilation: In a panic attack you can experience increased breathing and heart palpitations. In some cases, you can also experience shortness of breath.

Symptoms to Recognize a Panic Attack

Image Source: www.dhealthfitness.com

3 Then You Can’t Figure It out This Is What You Should Do


Sometimes kit may be hard for some to make out the difference between panic attack and heart attack. In such a case, you should rush to a doctor immediately or call for instant help. Waiting isn’t an answer as it is better to be safe than sorry. Not receiving medical help in time in the event of you actually having a heart attack could have fatal consequences. In the case of panic attacks, suffering silently hoping it will go away isn’t a solution. Remember you are not alone.

Millions of people worldwide suffer panic attacks due to factors of stress and anxiety. Not doing anything about it could make it worse. Medical and professional help will improve your mental well-being, your quality of life and certainly help you live longer.

Read this article to know more about Cancer Signs: 6 Warning Signs Of An Impending Heart Attack That Occur Only In Women

suffering panic attacks

Image Source: www.aboutmeditation.com

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