4Born with a collapsed lung
Hailie weighed only 1Lb 2 oz and was also suffering from a collapsed lung. Just after being born, she didn’t even breathe for seven whole minutes. Hailie was kept in the hospital for 18 days which was an agonizing wait till mom Cheri price 22 could hold her or take her home.
Image Source: www.noonecares.club
5She looked like a little red alien
Hailie Dillon was born on February 23, 2017 at St James Cook Hospital in Middleborough England. Her mom Cheri is from the Isle of Wight and the first thought that cropped into her mind when she saw her daughter was that “she looked like a little red alien” “She was still in the fetus stage and she didn’t look like a baby at all – we couldn’t believe she even survived,” Said Cherie who has three other kids.
Image Source: www.unilad.co.uk
6Born 23 weeks premature
Hailie was born just 23 weeks premature and mom Cherie was told by doctors at their local hospital in the Isle of Wight that she wouldn’t be viable at 20 weeks which would make her a case of late miscarriage. It was then that Cheri, who never gave up hope, traveled 300 miles to Darlington where they even had family to support them. Cherie was then admitted to St James Cook hospital in Middleborough where Hailie was born.
Image Source: www.eastlothiancourier.com
7Contractions too early
Cherie’s contractions began in January and because it was too early, her local hospital at the Isle of Wight was not equipped for such a premature case. It was then that her boyfriend Timothy Dillon whom she shares an 11-month-old son with drove her to his brother’s family in Darlington where she could get help.
Image Source: networkviral.com
8She gave birth two weeks later
In spite of her contractions, Cherie gave birth to Hailie two weeks later. She said “From birth, she was put in an incubator and we couldn’t touch her – but we could see all the veins of her brain through her red skin.”
Image Source: buzz.auntyacid.com