6“There’s a friend request you won’t regret accepting. Adopt.”
Everyone wants a pure breed or pedigreed dog or cat. Just because these guys are strays and end up in pounds or shelters, it doesn’t mean they are inferior. Animals from shelters are just as lovable with the potential to be trained into being a lovely family pet.

Image Source: brightside.me
7“Sometimes the best medicine is called hope”
This is an ad of the Make-A-Wish foundation that aims to make children suffering terminal disease happy by fulfilling their fantasy wishes. It could be meeting a celebrity or being taken to Disneyland. Either way with millions of children suffering in the world, such a project needs constant support from public resources.

Image Source: www.gyro.com
8“Life is a gift”
The importance of being an organ donor cannot be measured in words. To donate organs on death or even when alive like a kidney or lung means actually saving a life.

Image Source: www.keblog.it
9“Don’t let garbage replace wildlife”
This is one growing cause for concern where people worldwide generate millions of tones of garbage a day. Waste garbage that can be decomposed should be thrown into compost pits as it is biodegradable and is returned to the earth, recycling should be practiced by all. Rather than use plastic, use paper bags or cloth bag, instead of throwing away bottles and coke cans, send them for recycling.

Image Source: twitter.com
10“Let nature be your guide”
This is an ad promoting wildlife sanctuaries. Rather than see animals in cages, it would be nice to see them in their natural habitat wild and free.

Image Source: www.keblog.it