Being thin is in trends and people love to go anorexic to achieve that kind of figure. The thin figure is a very highly rated thing in the west and it is same in the east too. People who are obsessed with thin figure often end up damaging themselves dearly. One of the dangers of getting thin figure it could lead to anorexia. Anorexia is an eating disorder where a person starves themselves in an extreme manner to achieve heavy weight loss.
Anorexia can be very damaging as it can give life-threatening diseases in long run. Eating disorder can be menacing and if we go by the statistics, almost one person dies in every 62 minutes in the US because of it. As per reports, almost 75 percent of women in the US are facing some sort of disorder related to food and their body.
But, now many people are trying to overcome this social pressure of going thin and are sharing their before and after pictures to help others in deciding to go against looking thin. This way many people who were struggling with anorexia are now leading a happy life. They have somehow persuaded themselves to look beyond going thin and now they are looking healthy.

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1 Margherita Barbieri
Margherita Barbieri decided to lose a great amount of weight when her ballet teacher mocked her by calling her “thunder thighs” when she was at the age of 18. She used to get very upset after hearing her teacher’s remarks. Then, she decided to consume only 140 calories a day for a long period of time. She became too weak and thin afterwards It was life intimidating. Then, she decided to go against punishing herself and now recovered completely from it.

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2 Hannah Koestler
The 22-year-old girl was struggling with anorexia and went very thin. She was very close to her death when her weight dropped to 30 Kg and her BMI had dipped to a deadly dangerous level of 11. It was then she decided to save her life by gaining some weight. She is now looking healthy. Thanks to the common sense which prevailed at right time.

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3 Kaitlyn Davidson
Kaitlyn Davidson was one of people who decided to go anorexic as it was in fashion. But, she struggled with health after getting to less than 37 kg of weight. She suffered eating disorder and her health exacerbated. After losing that much amount of weight, she was once informed by doctors that her heart can stop beating at any point of time. Now, she has fought her battle for 2 years against eating disorder and is now a bikini competitor.

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