When Larry Page and Sergey Brin birthed this search-engine called Google, they single-handedly ensured no student forgets to fact-check their project submission, no business leaves any stone unturned with respect to its web presence and so on so forth. Google has served the key requirement of the Internet, bringing information to our finger tips, by the book. But did you know, there are several ways to skin this resourceful cat? Here are 8 ways you can refine your Google search.
1 Usage of Time-frames
If you are looking for periodic information, for instance the career track record of an athlete, simply use the date ranges on which you are concentrating. Adding the time frames, e.g., 1990…2010, would refine your search and give you encapsulated information specific to this period, nothing more nothing less.

Image Source: www.netdna-ssl.com
2 Searching for websites by common keywords
Presently, the implementation of tools like AdSense has made it easier for one to search for merchandise across different websites and compare them. But what of other search topics, which are not of the financial kind? Simply using the “related:” command, followed by the name of the website, allows you to come up with websites cataloging similar information, without throwing any advertisement in your way.

Image Source: www.google.com
3 Searching for websites with specific keywords in them
If you are looking for websites that should specifically have a particular word in its title then you can use the command “intitle:” followed by the phrase which you are using as a search parameter. For example, if you are looking for ‘ps3 games’, then make your search “intitle: ps3 games”. This will not only limit your search results to websites that have this word in their body, but in their title as well.

Image Source: www.google.com