4Manual claimed that the kit was an awe-inspiring sight for kids
The manual demonstrates that it is awe-inspiring sight for the kids. It stated, “Electrons racing at fantastic velocities produce delicate, intricate paths of electrical condensation.”
Image Source: www.youtube.com
5Geiger counter increased doubts on the kit
The doubts on Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab was also enhanced by the presence of Geiger counter in the kit which is capable to measure the level of background radiations. The presence of Geiger counter in the kit speaks that the lab is already having bad radiations. It is poisoning to say the least.
Image Source: www.eliwhitney.org
6Geiger counter was capable to find radioactive materials
The manual also demonstrates that Geiger counter in the kit can also be used to play the game of hide and seek. It was suggested that the kids can actually hide some of the radioactive materials and can play the game to find the radioactive materials using the Geiger counter.
Image Source: www.pinterest.com