Tomorrow the 22nd of April 2018, the world will be celebrating earth day as usual. But why the hypocrisy. As humans we are slowly strangling our planet and killing off our wildlife just so we can post a selfie with a dead giraffe head, we choke our oceans with plastic and then wish everyone on social media “happy earth day”. This is what earth day is truly all about and till we come to terms with what we are doing to our beautiful planet, earth day will never be something to celebrate about.
1It is Seal Clubbing Season In Canada
And here we are celebrating earth day with the blood of thousands of baby seals clubbed to death. Even India officially declared a ban on Canadian seal imports this month April 2018. Yet when will Canada wake up.

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2The Caribbean is Slowly Being Choked
This photograph was clicked by professional photographer Caroline Power of a huge area of the Caribbean covered in plastic waste even as it floated towards the neighbouring Cayos Cochinos Marine reserve.

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3Mother Cries Over Her Baby
This photograph went viral last year when an Indian photographer Avinash Lodhi clicked it on the spot. It appears that the mother monkey is crying out in pain at the lifeless baby who collapsed possibly out of the searing heat which is rising in India. Global warming is taking its toll on our wildlife. Thankfully the little guy was revived a bit later.

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4Mother Polar Bear With Her Cub on Stranded Drifting Ice
Sumer melting of ice is happening faster than expected and experts have predicted a steady decline in sea ice which could threaten the existence of Polar bears.

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5Daytime Smog In Delhi And China
Countries are slowly experiencing worse conditions of daytime fog and smog making air unbreathable. Delhi, India witnessed horrible smog conditions in winter 2017.