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Never ignore these 7 types of pain

By Jatin Sharma, 3 March 2017


6 Intense pain in teeth


Effect: Teeth grinding

If you grind your teeth regularly during sleep, this can cause the nerves to become swollen and the enamel on the teeth to deteriorate. The teeth also become cracked and weak due to grinding and one needs immediate medical care.

The doctor will advise patient to wear a night guard to prevent clenching and even perform a root canal to remove bacteria.

Intense pain in teeth

Image Source: www.checkdent.com

7 Back pain with tingling toes


Effect: Slipped disc

Normally back pain is cured by heating and icing the affected area. But if it is accompanied by tingling feeling in the toes, it could be cause due to a slipped disc in your spine.

The pain can occur when you lift something really heavy and don’t go away using heating pads and icing. A disc which is a soft ring that acts as a cushion between the bones in the spine presses on the spineal nerve. If you don’t see a medical professional and leave it untreated, the condition can cause permanent damage to your nerve and spine.

Back pain with tingling toes

Image Source: www.training.net

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