6Myth: Diamonds are rare and expensive
Truth: Diamonds are neither rare nor as valuable as we were led to believe
Diamonds are definitely not rare - they are just difficult to find and extract. Everything we know about De Beers and when he was part of the diamond industry is outdated. He was known for making false claims to boost sales. Since his departure, the diamond industry has evolved and new standards have been implemented. Diamonds can be found easily in any jewelry store anywhere in the world. But the select few diamonds that have impressive colour or clarity are only found at auctions and they fetch millions.

Image Source: 1.bp.blogspot.com
7Myth: Consumption of canned food beyond its expiration date can lead to death
Truth: Canned or packaged food will be safe to consume even after its expiration date unless the can is gets damaged and leaks or is bloated
Cans to package food are made from steel sheets which are welded. Many companies also pack the food with another layer on the inside to avoid the food from touching the metal can to avoid a tin-ish flavour. When food is sealed away from air and particles, it is usually safe and the cans they are in are made to be durable and are strong. Only when the cans get damaged that results in a leak, then the food inside is compromised.

Image Source: www.keywordlister.com
8Myth: Any label that says “genuine leather” means the product is of high-quality leather
Truth: The label “genuine leather” implies that the leather used in the manufacturing of the product is real, but nothing can be said about the quality
Leather products have three different levels based on quality: genuine leather which is real but low-quality leather, top-grain leather which is medium to high-quality leather and full-grain leather which is used to make high-quality utility items. Genuine leather labeled bags, shoes or belts are easily found in department stores or malls and their prices are always quite low. This happens because these products are made from many layers of real low-quality leather. Adding paint and gluing them together gives them a good look.

Image Source: www.mbnat.com
9Myth: The food pyramid gives us all the information we need on how much of each food group we need to consume to maintain a balanced diet daily
Truth: It’s not false exactly but just outdated
Although it was introduced in the US in 1992 by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and was called the "Food Guide Pyramid", it was first published in Sweden in 1974. Even the pyramid used in the US was made using the nutrition information that was available at the time. Some people even believe they were paid by food companies to help boost their sales. Many criticized it for emphasizing the high consumption of carbohydrates while completely avoiding healthy fats. In 2011, a new guide for nutrition was introduced and referred to as “MyPlate” and received wide praise.

Image Source: tacticals.co
10Myth: The warranty period is void when you break the warranty seal
Truth: Those 'Void If Broken' Warranty Stickers Are Actually Illegal
The Magnuson–Moss law or Warranty Act, introduced in 1975 made it illegal for companies to impose any kind of warranty conditions that stopped consumers repairing or even opening their devices. The law applies to any consumer device which is sold for over $15. Companies are not allowed to apply any kind of warranty conditions which will make the consumer use only specific company authorized services or parts for the repair.

Image Source: www.chaostrophic.com