1 Myth: VitaminWater is healthy as it provides you with extra nutrients
Truth: It is just flavored sugar-water
The truth is more than just sugar-water. If you take a 20 oz bottle of Vitaminwater you will find that it contains about 120 calories and around 32 grams of sugar. A regular soft drink has 50% more sugar than this. The micronutrients that they contain such as vitamins B and C are nutrients that are never lacking in a person’s diet. When consumed in higher dosage these beverages can cause more harm than good.

Image Source: wordpress.com
2Myth: A shot of espresso has more caffeine than a regular size cup of coffee
Truth: In the case of ounces, this is true but according to how we serve the beverages, this is false
Yes, it is true, a single 2 oz double espresso shot contains around 80 milligrams of caffeine but a 12 oz brewed coffee has about 120 milligrams. You must be thinking wait, you can’t compare 2oz to 12? Yes, we can’t so let’s break it down. A single shot of espresso has around 40 mg per ounce but a brewed cup of coffee has only around 10 mg in each ounce. So, there you go myth proven true! Not so fast, have you ever seen anyone have an espresso size cup of coffee and just one cup of coffee? The difference in the serving size is where the discrepancy lies.

Image Source: abunawaf.com
3Myth: A new mattress need to be bought after a few years
Truth: It depends on you, with good care a mattress can last for over 10 years
Yes, the truth of the matter is that a mattress can last for years if the owner takes good care of it. Think of it like a car, so the owner needs to oil it and replace the parts when it wears off, etc. The same way a mattress also needs care and attention. The best way to take care of a mattress is by rotating it, making sure you don’t constantly put pressure in the same place and cleaning it.

Image Source: pinimg.com
4Shampoos and conditioners actually help repairing split-ends
Truth: Physically removing the split ends via trimming is the only remedy
One of the most known hair problems is split ends. There are many reasons for this happening such as exposure to the sun, chemical reaction from the use of hair products, or the result of roughly combing hair that was tangled. Despite what many companies claim their product can do it is nearly impossible to fix split ends and only trimming can cure it.

Image Source: www.chaostrophic.com
5Myth: Detox diets help cleanse the body of toxins
Truth: Detoxification doesn’t have much medical proof to back it up and similar results can be obtained by simpler methods
A detox diet is a short-term dietary plan designed to eliminate toxins from the body. Typical detox diet plans involve a period of fasting which followed by a diet of fruits, vegetables, fruit juices, and water. The problem with this is that the diet doesn’t allow for any toxins to enter the body as processed foods and alcohol is off the diet and not allowed. This diet basically prevents toxins from entering the body and allows the body to clean itself via the food that needs to be consumed.

Image Source: static.vesti.rs