11Who was Zaharie?
Zaharie, 53, was a veteran who had joined Malaysia Airlines in 1981. Not only had he more than two decades of experience as a pilot but had flown for a staggering 18,000 hours in his life. He had three children, and he lived with them and his wife. But the day before the flight, his wife had left him and had left their home with their children.
Image Source: www.newsmobile.in
12Was it really that calculated?
Experts unanimously agree that the crash of 370 was an act of a psychopath who had plotted his suicide along with an act which claimed 238 lives But the fact that he would carry out this heinous act is proof enough of his mental state.
Image Source: www.express.co.uk
13Plain in sight
The team of experts agrees that flight 370’s tragedy is a crime of the ‘unlawful’ act of surrendering other’s lives, that too’ of 238 people. Since the pilot had orchestrated this entire plane crash and had actually plotted his own suicide mission through it.
Image Source: www.quora.com
14Vance says
Vance agrees that the one thing everybody wonders about is how the pilot turned the transponder offl and whether his co-pilot would let him. But now that we know what he had in mind, it becomes clearer as to how he did it.
Image Source: www.mytimesnow.com
15But why did he do it?
Though we know Zaharie is the evil behind the loss of so many lives, we still don’t know why he did it, or what exactly was his motive. In a way, the mystery of flight 370 still remains unsolved.
Image Source: www.indiatvnews.com