Just as a kid is born, it is declared by the doctor or the nurse that whether it is a boy or a girl and from there, the method of upbringing is chosen as per the standards laid down by the society. For example, parents tend to buy blue or other color clothes if it is a boy while they prefer to buy pink for the girl.
The society has laid its specifications as per the gender and for a long time now, we are following the set rules and guidelines. However, there are people who want to break-free from the shackles of gender identification and want to raise a gender-fluid family.
1They are called Genderqueer
Genderqueer is a group of people which neither identifies themselves as completely man nor woman. They express themselves as either a combination of both masculinity and femininity or neither when it comes to expressing their gender.
Genderqueer are said to have overlapping of both the genders, means they can behave like man one day and woman, the other day or they can choose to live a life of third gender.

Image Source: www.rebelcircus.com
Image Source: fishki.net
2First gender-fluid family of UK
A couple from Middlesborough is trying to raise their own family as a gender-fluid family by bringing up their four-year-old boy as a “person” and not a boy. The name of the couple is Nikki and Louise Draven and the name of the kid is Star Cloud and they don’t want to impose any gender on their kid as they themselves like to live independent of gender identification. Louise started living as a woman a year before Star’s birth as he felt that he is woman since the age of eight.

Image Source: cloudfront.net
3Father as mother and mother as father
The 30-yr old Louise, who was born as a man is undergoing hormone therapy for making a transition and becoming a woman while Nikki keeps jumping from one bandwagon to another by behaving as a woman one day and as a man on the other. Nikki can be seen donning tops and skirts on one day while shirt pants on the other day.

Image Source: yandex.ru
4Star chose whom to call father
Star calls Louise as his mother who is actually his biological father while he calls his biological mother, Nikki as his father. In fact, it is Star who chose to call Nikki as his father and Louise as his mother. Nikki and Louise never interfered in Star’s decision and always tried to make him feel good about himself and his family.

Image Source: mywebs.su
5First meeting of Nikki and Louise
Nikki and Louise Draven met each other first time in 2011 in a LGBT meet-up where they discovered that they both have the same outlook towards the two important issues of life – family and gender. In 2012, they got married in a Pagan ceremony and they are said to be Britain’s first entirely gender-fluid family.

Image Source: www.ochevidets.ru