Home / NEWS / ‘Memphis Meats’ To Sell Its Lab-grown Meats In The Market Soon, Says It Can Stop Animal Slaughter Across The World

‘Memphis Meats’ To Sell Its Lab-grown Meats In The Market Soon, Says It Can Stop Animal Slaughter Across The World

By Ashish Ranjan, 27 November 2017


2 No One Was Close to Making Meat as Tasty and as Affordable as The Conventional Meat


The idea of growing meat in a lab is not new as it existed for more than 20 years but no one was ever close to making meat as tasty and as affordable as the conventional meat. If someone succeeds in doing that, then he can tap the global market that's already worth trillions of dollars and expected to double in size in the next three decades. 

lab grown meat

Image Source: www.bigthink.com

3 Veleti’s Brave Decision to Start a Company Memphis Meats


Valeti thought that if he continues as a cardiologist, maybe he would save 2,000 or 3,000 lives over the next 30 years but if he focuses on this, he has the potential to save billions of human lives and trillions of animal lives. He now has a team of 10 and has now become successful in cultivating and harvesting edible beef, chicken, and duck in its bioreactors which is also a feat that no one else has achieved. Veleti also aims to expand his team soon as the company expects to have a product in stores by 2021. 

Memphis Meats

Image Source: www.squarespace.com

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