3 Current situation
Currently, Alex and Lucy have set up a trust fund for collecting 180,000 pounds, needed for a computerized prosthetic legs, which will change the way he moves around. He already raised 20,000 pounds for two prosthetic arms that have enabled him to eat using metal pinchers.
Image Source: www.dailymail.co.uk
A filmmaker Leonardo Machado made a documentary on Alex named ‘The Extraordinary Case of Alex Lewis’. He said that the difficult part was saving his relationships with all people he loved and that was made easy as both Alex and Lucy started seeing the funny side of things thanks to some of Alex’s friends and neighbours.
Alex said that he got the will and strength to get back where he had left because of the support from his wife and love from his son. He says,” But mentally I was still Alex, and the fact that I’d somehow maintained a sense of humour through it all helped. I could still chat to them about their family, their kids, what they were doing at work. Our room in Salisbury hospital was one of laughter.” “And of love.”